(Wary? Pro tip #2: IGNORE the nervous imposter in your head...dude's a LIAR.) 

The work is out there everywhere. Writers are needed more, now than ever. 

The catch? You need to know the marketing game that everyone's playing. 

Good news... I've got you.

We've all heard that common (but terrible) advice about getting your foot in the door with low-paying sites like Upwork and Fiverr... but that's not gonna cut it in today's rapidly changing climate. Those sites, now more than ever, have become a race to the bottom, and every decent writer who plays that game... loses. Big time.

You need to rise above the rest, and NOW is the time. With millions now looking for work-at-home opportunities, the competition is coming. You can get a head start if you take action... fast.

You've probably got a list of a million things you think you should do before you're "allowed" to look for clients...

Pick a niche. Build a website. Do all the social media. On and on and on.

But none of that gets you hired. None of it makes you indispensable.

clients want experience...right?
The successful writers always talk about the importance of being an expert. They say you have a specific niche right out of the gate, and a slick website and all the social media profiles to plaster it all over. 

But... and I learned this the hard way... that's not what gets you hired. None of it keeps the clients coming back. 

What your clients want is proof that you can deliver great writing. And you don't need years of experience to prove that.


Well... you could do what I did... get a writing degree, try to hack it by yourself, spend 5 or 6 years figuring out what works and what doesn't, and eventually build a career from scratch...

Or you can shortcut all of that and go straight to the things that work... formulas, templates [which the top writers use, by the way], and  expert guidance.

The world has changed, and if you're still at the starting line, it's time to take control. Being a sought-after freelance writer is the best way to ensure your own security. But when the world is in crisis, how do you even START? It's normal to feel scared....

I got stuck in fear, too. Then I learned the key to success.
What I didn't realize is that trying to do everything the way "the standard way" was keeping me stuck... struggling, anxious, and completely insecure. (Sound familiar?) But all those shouty experts are missing something really important...

And you won't find it in the social media echo chamber. You won't find it on Netflix. And you definitely won't find it in the back of the fridge. 

When everyone else is overwhelmed, panicked, and searching for the last piece of chocolate in the house... you can either join them or rise up. 

Instead of having a breakdown...

...I want to give you the solution to all your freelance writing worries.

Truth is, you can break through this mess! But you gotta make a new move. Take a chance on yourself and try something different... something that will actually work. 

My Story Starts Where You Are...

I fell For That "Required To-Do List" Story, Too. And then I Opted Out. 

You should, too. 

When I first started freelancing, back in 2010, I didn't know what I was doing... and I had a lot of fun. But eventually I started hearing that I needed to pick a niche... to become an expert in something more specialized... to do the SEO and the social media and my own blog and all that. 

So I started plugging away at the to-do list... and everything got a lot harder. But it didn't work for me. In fact, it made me completely miserable. And broke. 

So...after YEARS of hating my giant work to-do list (and the heavy sense of failure it brought)... and making LESS in this supposedly "profitable niche" than I had before... I dropped the frills and went back to being a generalist, but this time I had a lot more marketing know-how, too. And that's when things began to change... for the better, this time.

My Story Starts Where You Are...

I Fell For That "Riches In The Niches" Story, Too. And Then I Opted Out. 

You Should, Too. 

When I first started freelancing, back in 2010, I didn't know what I was doing... and I had a lot of fun. But eventually I started hearing that I needed to pick a niche... to become an expert in something more specialized. 

So I picked a niche... and everything got a lot harder. Specializing didn't work for me. In fact, it made me completely miserable. And broke. 

So...after YEARS of hating my niched work... and making LESS in this supposedly "profitable niche" than I had before... I went back to being a generalist, but this time I had a lot more marketing know-how, too. And that's when things began to change... for the better, this time.

Learning the purpose behind the writing I did... and offering it far and wide 

that's how I finally built my career... 

it's how I've managed to thrive while everyone is in a viral meltdown...

and now I'm here to show YOU how to do the same.

(and a bunch of other places I can't tell you about because of ghostwriting contracts...)

NEWSFLASH: It's not too late to make a freelance writing business work. 

So with that in mind...

What would it be like to know you were making valuable contributions to every client? 

To know you have the right skills to deliver the good stuff, to the right clients, every time?

And to feel confident as you turn down the crummy work without hesitation?

As a highly skilled, versatile freelance writer who understands the WHY and not just the how,

you have unlimited, fantastic opportunities, LIKE...

Sales Pages

$1,000 beginner rate


$100/ea beginner rate

Funnel Copy

$2,000 minimum

Product Descriptions

$20/ea minimum

Blog Posts

$100+ per post

Show Notes

$50+ per show

Training and Curriculum

sky's the limit!

Optins & Landing Pages

$200 beginner rate

White Papers

$3,000 beginner rate

Case Studies

$750 and up

Web Content

$150/pg minimum

Books & Ebooks



TO become AN indispensable FREELANCE writer

so you can Find great work and Say YES to any project you want... 



• Wasting Time....

Risking Your Reputation....

• Passing It Up....

Disappointing Your Clients....

• Feeling Regrets....

you can win at this,

sooner than you think

Having a niche is great, but it's not the only way. 

Here's what happens when you go broad:

your clients are happy
Your writing clients WANT you to be a generalist. They want to be able to trust you with all their writing needs, not just some of it. As a generalist, you can serve them better... and that's a good thing.
you learn your strengths
When you follow your interests as much as possible in your work, you're going to uncover your strengths as a writer and business owner. Being able to stretch allows you to find what's right, quickly. 
your skills expand
Imagine feeling free to say yes to anything, in any industry, for any type of client. That freedom lets you learn more skills, more quickly... which makes you more valuable to your clients.
you know what you hate
The more you try and the longer you write for clients, the more you'll know what work is least enjoyable for you... and you can start avoiding that work and looking for more of the good stuff.
your income goes up
As you get more experience across the board... you can start raising your rates across the board! The more you're able to do, the more valuable you become... and the more you can charge. 
you find the right niche
When you follow your interests, you'll naturally uncover your strengths as a writer. Being able to stretch allows you to find what's right, quickly. That's the RIGHT way to pick a niche.

When you can say yes to anything and know you can deliver it, 

 your writing career is more fun, more easy, and more profitable.

If You're Ready To Get More Work Than The Competition, EXPLODE Your Writing Career, And Have A Lot More Fun While You're At It... Even In Today's Environment... 

This Is For You!

copy confidential

Get everything you need to know about ANY writing gig that comes your way...

So you can CONTRIBUTE great ideas, LAND the gig, WRIT

E confidently, and DELIVER great copy... 

Every time. No matter what. 

Inside Copy Confidential, you'll find everything you need to know about copywriting and content creation.

In 16 packed-full modules, I'll hand you...

* the fundamentals of good copywriting and content writing

* the right questions to ask every time, so you can produce what the client wants

* specific training for every major type of copywriting gig you might come across. 

With this course, you'll have all the skills you need to deliver anything to any client.

And don't get me started on the amazing bonuses.

modules 1-3: Fundamentals

Use these modules to strengthen your baseline writing skills.

Module 1: 

General skills

  • Cross-Pollination: See how any writing experience sharpens your writing skills across the board

  • Lists and Resources: Have the rules of good writing on hand... so you can improve faster. 

  • Swipes and Commentary: Get real-life examples of how writing skills transfer across project types... and feel the momentum every time you sit down to write.

module 2: 


  • Fundamentals: Master the core elements of copywriting and how it differs from content writing.

  • Conversion: Learn the primary types of conversion and how to work it into your copy.

  • Persuasion: See the elements of ethical persuasion and how to use them naturally. 

  • Checklists: Make sure everything you write has all the right parts, every time.

module 3: 

content writing

  • Fundamentals: See how to improve your content writing using copywriting basics to make it even more effective.

  • Conversion: Learn what conversion means for content writing, and sharpen your skills at both.

  • Swipes and Checklists: Look over every piece of content and hand it in confidently, knowing it's ready.

modules 4-16: Project-Specific Guides

Use these modules as you need them. Think of these as a reference library.

Module 4: 

sales pages

  • Fundamentals: What makes a good sales page? See the breakdown with detailed lessons on the 14 parts of every sales page

  • Checklists: Make sure each page you write has all the right parts, every time.

  • Swipes: See examples of different types of sales pages, with breakdowns and commentary.

Module 5: 

Funnel copy

  • Fundamentals: Learn the most common types of online sales funnels... and the core elements of each page.

  • Checklists and Templates: Make sure each funnel step you write has all the right parts, every time.

  • Swipes: See examples of different types of funnel pages, with breakdowns and commentary.

Module 6: 

Emails & Sequences

  • Fundamentals: Learn the primary types of different emails, and how to write them. We'll also cover different types of sequences. 

  • Checklists and Templates: Make sure every email you write has all the right parts, every time.

  • Swipes: See examples of different types of emails and sequences, with commentary.

Module 7: 

PRoduct descriptions

  • Fundamentals: What makes a good product description? Learn to find and bring the brand voice into each one effectively. 

  • Checklists: Make sure each product description you write has what it needs, every time.

  • Swipes: See examples of different types of descriptions, with breakdowns and commentary.

Module 8: 

Landing Pages

  • Fundamentals: Learn the core elements of landing pages... plus how to write them effectively. 

  • Checklists and Templates: Make sure every landing page you write has all the right parts.

  • Swipes: See examples of different types of landing pages, with breakdowns and commentary.

Module 9: 

Podcast Show Notes

  • Fundamentals: There are tons of approaches to podcast show notes. See the different ways and get a feel for how to produce each one.

  • Checklists: Make sure all your show notes have the right parts, every time.

  • Swipes: See examples of different types of show notes, with breakdowns and commentary.

Module 10: 

blog posts

  • Fundamentals: Pick up the 5 core types of blog posts. With these, you'll know how to create engaging, effective posts for clients.

  • Checklists and Templates: Make sure each post you write has all the right parts, every time.

  • Swipes: See examples of each type of post, with breakdowns and commentary.

Module 11: 

courses & Lessons

  • Fundamentals: Learn how to plan a course. Go from idea to individual lesson planning and drafting using the core strategies.

  • Checklists and Frameworks: Make sure each course outline and lesson will be complete and effective.

  • Swipes: See examples of each type of post, with breakdowns and commentary.

Module 12: 

Web content

  • Fundamentals: Every website has its own role and its own voice. See how to identify the right approach for every site you write.

  • Checklists: Make sure your web project has all the parts it needs, on page and site levels.

  • Swipes: See examples of different types of site pages, with breakdowns and commentary on the copy.

Module 13: 

white papers

  • Fundamentals: What makes a good white paper? See how to research and structure a great white paper for any client.

  • Checklists: Make sure each white paper you write has the parts and the right angle, every time.

  • Swipes: See examples of white papers from different industries, with breakdowns and commentary.

Module 14: 

Case studies

  • Fundamentals: Learn the core function and key parts of effective case studies.

  • Checklists and Templates: Make sure each case study you write has all the right parts, no matter the length.

  • Swipes: See examples of different lengths and types of case studies across industries, with breakdowns and commentary.

Module 15: 

books & ebooks

  • Fundamentals: Are you ready to write a book? Get familiar with the book-writing process and see if it's a service you can offer! 

  • Checklists: Make sure your manuscript has all the elements and sections it needs.

  • Recommendations: Find where you are on "the book writing hierarchy of readiness."

Module 16: 


  • Fundamentals: Learn the core function and key parts of effective case studies.

  • Checklists and Templates: Make sure each case study you write has all the right parts, no matter the length.

  • Swipes: See examples of different lengths and types of case studies across industries, with breakdowns and commentary.


Goodbye, overwhelm. 

Hello, clients!

Copy Confidential

Get everything you need to know about ANY writing gig that comes your way... 

So you can CONTRIBUTE great ideas, LAND the gig, WRITE confidently, and DELIVER great copy... 

Every time. 

• Instant Digital Access to all lessons. Copy Confidential is a 15-module course that will help you develop your writing skills. This helps set you up for a thriving freelance writing business. (value: $1997) 
• Proprietary Tools designed by a 10-year freelance writing veteran (that's me!) and used in my consulting sessions ranging from $197 to $1497 (value: $97)
• PLUS Access to a private Facebook group JUST for students, where you can get daily support, answers, and encouragement. Members receive targeted advice, collaborative feedback, and helpful critiques, among other perks. (value: priceless!)
Total Value Before Bonuses: $2094



Or 9 monthly payments of $99

Copy Confidential is available digitally, though the bonuses are not yet complete. 

You will get immediate access to all available content, and instant access to future content as it's published. See the FAQ on this page for more information. 

when you enroll today, you'll also receive...


A course on finding freelance writing clients


01. Client-Bound Course
The secret to successful freelance writing is using both inbound and outbound marketing strategies... and marketing diligently, without giving up or making excuses. 

Client-Bound is an on-demand course that takes you through the 5 key client-finding strategies I used to build my career for content writing and copywriting. 

This is a short course, but it's packed with strategy and tactics to help you find great writing clients, consistently. 

02. Client-Bound BONUSES
Client-Bound comes loaded with these bonuses: 
  • Real Contracts: Get answers to your contracts and see examples of real, working contracts and email agreements that I've used with clients. There's also an attorney-reviewed contract template you can use.

  • Pitch Swipe File: Get my personal swipe file of real pitches and proposals I've sent to clients and prospects.

  • Client Onboarding: Set up your client onboarding process so you can manage expectations and avoid common pitfalls. 

  • A-Z Workflow: What happens when the writing is done? Get my guidance on wrapping up projects, sending invoices, and more.

when you enroll today, you'll also receive...

01. Project Foundations
What information do you need from your clients? And how do you get that information? Every great project starts on a solid foundation, and this shows you how to make it happen. 
02. Client Call ConfidenCE
Not every project will start with a client call, but some will. How do you know what to say without looking dumb? How much do you "give away" on the call? What happens when it's over? I got you. 
03. Workload Management
How do you juggle deadlines when you have a growing business and a regular life? Where do you fit in your marketing efforts or practicing the craft? I'll show you my systems for managing it all. 
04. Interview Series
Imagine being able to ask any successful writer any question. With this series, you can! I'm frequently adding to it, using YOUR questions. See the many paths to freelance writing success. 
05. Price sheets
You got a hot lead. Exciting! But how much should you charge? Writing rates are all over the map, but my pricing guide will help you find a fair rate for any project, every time. 
06. Editing Tip Sheet
Editing your own work can be tricky, but it's an important skill if you want to impress your clients. Get my best, most effective tips for editing your own work before submission. 
get in now, because this price won't last long

Copy Confidential is one of those courses that could change the entire trajectory of your writing career.

I've been where you are, and I didn't have this incredible resource available... but you do. I'll be taking the price up to $997 in the new year.


WITH MY 7-DAY 100% awesomeness GUARANTEE,


I can't guarantee you results or money, but I stand behind this material 100%. I want you to succeed! And the best thing I can do to help you succeed is to make it as easy as possible for you to try. 

If you don't love what's in this course... if you don't come out the other side feeling confident in your ability to write without a niche... if you're just not impressed with how much progress this course will give you... let me know you're not happy. 

If you're within 7 days of your enrollment, I'll give you all your money back. No games or obstacles, but I probably WILL ask you how it let you down. You can cut your losses and bail, with no hard feelings.

PLEASE NOTE: There are no cancellations of payment plans if requested after the 7-day window

Goodbye, overwhelm. 

Hello, clients!

Copy Confidential

• Instant Digital Access to all lessons (value: $1997) 
• Proprietary Tools I use with my own clients (value: $97)
• PLUS Access to a private Facebook group (value: priceless!)
• BONUS: Client-Bound (value: $1385)
• BONUS: Project Foundations (value: $197)
• BONUS: Client Call Confidence (value: $197)
• BONUS: Workload Management Masterclass (value: $97)
• BONUS: Freelance Writer Interview Series (value: $97)
• BONUS: Pricing Guide (value: $97)
• BONUS: Editing Tip Sheet (value: $47)


Total Value: $4211

Or 9 monthly payments of $99

Copy Confidential is available digitally, though the bonuses are not yet complete. 

You will get immediate access to all available content, and instant access to future content as it's published. See the FAQ on this page for more information. 

I love everything Ashley does. Her teaching approach is winsome, relatable, and practical. I’ve gotten more actionable steps from her courses and coaching than most other programs I’ve been a part of. All I can say is, if she’s offering a course and you think you might be interested, take it! You won’t regret it.

- Allison, freelance writer & editor

Even as a writer, it’s hard to find the words to say how grateful I am to have taken Ashley’s courses. As a writer and mentor, she is amazing! So as an instructor it’s no surprise that she brings all that amazing-ness to her courses.

When I started looking into working from home I didn’t have a real direction. I happened to see a video Ashley did for a work at home summit. People in the freelance world tend to hype things up and set ridiculous expectations. That’s not Ashley’s style. The down to earth, practical way Ashley explained everything really stood out among all the hype. She was real and didn’t fill peoples heads with pipe dreams. 

The value packed into her courses is worth any investment you make. To say I recommend her courses to anyone considering freelance writing is an understatement! If you take a course from Ashley and implement what you learn, you will not regret it.

- Alaina, freelance writer 

I cannot say enough good things about Ashley Gainer. A year ago, I never would have believed it was possible for me to make money from writing. Now I turn down paid writing job offers I don't have time for or offer too little pay.Without her, I never would have gained the confidence to do take on a writing career!

Her courses are easy to follow, straightforward, and never a waste of time. I have taken two of her courses and gained valuable knowledge from each.

I wasn't even actively looking for a career change when I came across one of Ashley's courses, but I am so glad that I did. It changed my life and my career. If you are considering taking any of Ashley's courses, just do it! Ashley is a great person and a wonderful mentor and coach

- Cassie, Freelance copywriter 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla risus libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante. Suspendisse imperdiet, metus id dapibus molestie, velit tellus dapibus eros, vestibulum euismod justo lorem non magna. Sed aliquet leo eget blandit, in efficitur dolor mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

- Jane Awesome, Acme co.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla risus libero, vestibulum non nulla at, feugiat tristique ante. Suspendisse imperdiet, metus id dapibus molestie, velit tellus dapibus eros, vestibulum euismod justo lorem non magna. Sed aliquet leo eget blandit, in efficitur dolor mollis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

- Jane Awesome, Acme co.

Goodbye, overwhelm. 

Hello, clients!

Copy Confidential

• Instant Digital Access to all lessons (value: $1997) 
• Proprietary Tools I use with my own clients (value: $97)
• PLUS Access to a private Facebook group (value: priceless!)
• BONUS: Client-Bound (value: $1385)
• BONUS: Project Foundations (value: $197)
• BONUS: Client Call Confidence (value: $197)
• BONUS: Workload Management Masterclass (value: $97)
• BONUS: Freelance Writer Interview Series (value: $97)
• BONUS: Pricing Guide (value: $97)
• BONUS: Editing Tip Sheet (value: $47)



Or 9 monthly payments of $99

*Special pricing while I finish the bonuses. 

Copy Confidential is available digitally, though the bonuses are not yet complete. 

You will get immediate access to all available content, and instant access to future content as it's published. See the FAQ on this page for more information. 

Summarize What Sort Of Transformation Happened 

Because Of Your Offer. 

list out examples that help your prospect

see themselves after they've used your product.

Copy Confidential will help you save time and earn money. The purpose of the course is to equip you with the writing skills you need to be able to handle any assignment from any client... approach your clients and prospects with a solid understanding of marketing fundamentals... and grow a thriving writing business inside OR outside a niche, no matter what's going on in the economy. 

In it, you'll find lessons about specific copy and content writing skills, as well as specific instruction about 13 different types of writing assignments... how to write them and how and why they're used.

None of this is revolutionary, but what the course does is provide a way forward when everyone around you is telling you that you're "doing it wrong' if you don't have a niche expertise. That advice is flat wrong, and this course will help you break free of that bad advice. 

Copy Confidential is for anyone who wants to learn how to write the most common forms of copy and content, for clients and for their own business. 

However, if you're trying to get published in magazines or use freelance writing in support of your own for-profit blog, this course might not be right for you

The ideal Copy Confidential student could be a complete beginner who's ready to take action immediately.

The ideal Copy Confidential student could be an "advanced beginner" who is stuck with low-paying gigs and crummy clients, or who is tired of turning down good work because they don't think they're ready. 

The ideal Copy Confidential student may be a more experienced writer who wants a robust training on the different types and formats of writing, to make their own workflows more efficient. 

The ideal Copy Confidential student may be a small business owner or online entrepreneur who wants to be able to write copy, or have their VA enroll in the course and learn to take over all the different copy needs in the business. 

Established freelance writers, while welcome to enroll, might not benefit from the material in this course if they're looking for extreme deep dives into any specific writing format. I'm happy to refer anyone to specific deep-dive courses or on all the different topics this general skills course covers; these referrals are also available in each lesson (typically priced at $500-$1000 per course). 

With enough time, you can find literally everything on Google... including everything in this course (though my proprietary systems and methods won't be marked as mine, ha!). Problem is, piecing together a basic understanding of all the types of writing AND a solid matrix of writing skills can take a lot of time. (It took me years to learn all this stuff!)

If you're the type to get upset when you're presented with information that "you could have found on Google for free," please do not buy this course. Everything in this course -- everything you could want to know about anything -- can be found on Google with enough time and persistence.

If, however, you value your time... my time... my experience... ease of access... ease of delivery... clear advice... ongoing support... and shortcuts to paid writing work... Copy Confidential is for you.

Copy Confidential is self-paced and open immediately. You're in charge of when you start, and you're in charge of when you finish. The first three modules cover the basic writing and copy preparation skills that every writer should master. The rest of the modules can be studied as coursework, or can be "on reserve" until the student needs that specific training. Each module (after the first 3) is stand-alone. 

How about unlimited access to Copy Confidential? After enrolling, you have unlimited access for the lifetime of the course -- across any and all devices you own. No deadlines, no timeframes, no expirations. 

Everything can be downloaded, too, so you can store the files on your own devices forever. 

You'll also have access to any and all future upgrades and improvements. This is my signature course, and I expect to do revisions and updates at least once a year. 

I can't guarantee you results or money, but I stand behind this material 100%. I want you to succeed! And the best thing I can do to help you succeed is to make it as easy as possible for you to try. 

If you don't love Copy Confidential... if you don't come out the other side feeling confident in your ability to write for your clients... if you're just not impressed with how much progress this course will give you... let me know you're not happy. 

If you're within 7 days of your enrollment, I'll give you all your money back. No games or obstacles, but I probably WILL ask you how it let you down. You can cut your losses and bail, with no hard feelings.




i suggest you Enroll today  :)

Goodbye, overwhelm. 

Hello, clients!

Copy Confidential

• Instant Digital Access to all lessons (value: $1997) 
• Proprietary Tools I use with my own clients (value: $97)
• PLUS Access to a private Facebook group (value: priceless!)
• BONUS: Client-Bound (value: $1385)
• BONUS: Project Foundations (value: $197)
• BONUS: Client Call Confidence (value: $197)
• BONUS: Workload Management Masterclass (value: $97)
• BONUS: Freelance Writer Interview Series (value: $97)
• BONUS: Pricing Guide (value: $97)
• BONUS: Editing Tip Sheet (value: $47)



Or 9 monthly payments of $99

*Special pricing while I finish the bonuses. 

Copy Confidential is available digitally, though the bonuses are not yet complete. 

You will get immediate access to all available content, and instant access to future content as it's published. See the FAQ on this page for more information. 

Goodbye, overwhelm. 

Hello, clients!

For questions and support issues, please email

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